
Module: extractors.iGAIT

This program implements some of the feature extraction equations from:

“iGAIT: An interactive accelerometer based gait analysis system” Mingjing Yang, Huiru Zheng, Haiying Wang, Sally McClean, Dave Newell. 2012. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108:715-723. DOI:10.1016/j.cmpb.2012.04.004 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22575802

iGAIT inputs ::
  • sample rate
  • distance (not included here)
  • threshold (anterior-posterior acceleration, to detect heel contact)

iGait was written as a Matlab file and compiled as a Windows application.

Features ::
  • cadence (step/min)

  • distance-related (not included here): velocity, mean step length

  • RMS (each direction)

  • integral of the power spectral density (PSD, each direction)

  • main frequency: frequency with the maximum value of PSD

  • frequency of cumulated IPSD at 50/75/90/99% energy (each direction)

  • autocorrelation coefficients-derived:
    • symmetry (vertical and anterior-posterior directions)
    • regularity of stride/step (each direction)

Copyright 2015, Sage Bionetworks (http://sagebase.org), Apache v2.0 License


mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT.autocorrelation(data, unbiased=True, normalized=True)

Compute the autocorrelation coefficients for time series data.

From Yang, et al., 2012:

“The autocorrelation coefficient refers to the correlation of a time series with its own past or future values. iGAIT uses unbiased autocorrelation coefficients of acceleration data to scale the regularity and symmetry of gait [30]. The unbiased estimate of autocorrelation coefficients of acceleration data can be calculated by Eq. (5)

fc(t) = 1/(N-|t|)  *  SUM[i=1:N-|t|](xi * x_i+t)

where xi (i=1,2,...,N) is the acceleration data, fc(t) are autocorrelation coefficients, t is the time lag (t=-N,-N+1,...,0,1,2,...,N).

When the time lag t is equal to the periodicity of the acceleration xi, a peak will be found in the fc(t) series. The autocorrelation coefficients are divided by fc(0) in Eq. (6), so that the autocorrelation coefficient is equal to 1 when t=0

NFC(t) = fc(t) / fc(0)

Here NFC(t) is the normalised autocorrelation coefficient, and fc(t) are autocorrelation coefficients.”

data : numpy array
time series data
unbiased : Boolean
compute unbiased autocorrelation?
normalized : Boolean
compute normalized autocorrelation?
coefficients : numpy array
[normalized, unbiased] autocorrelation coefficients
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT import autocorrelation
>>> data = np.random.random(100)
>>> unbiased = True
>>> normalized = True
>>> coefficients = autocorrelation(data, unbiased, normalized)

From “Efficient computation of autocorrelations; demonstration in MatLab and Python” (Dec. 29, 2013) by Jesper Toft Kristensen: http://jespertoftkristensen.com/JTK/Blog/Entries/2013/12/29_Efficient_ computation_of_autocorrelations%3B_demonstration_in_MatLab_and_Python.html

mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT.gait(x, y, z, t, sample_rate, duration, threshold=0.2, order=4, cutoff=5)

Estimate various gait measures from time series (accelerometer) data.

From Yang, et al., 2012:

Re: heel strikes: “The heel contacts are detected by peaks preceding the sign change of AP acceleration [3]. In order to automatically detect a heel contact event, firstly, the AP acceleration is low pass filtered by the 4th order zero lag Butterworth filter whose cut frequency is set to 5 Hz. After that, transitional positions where AP acceleration changes from positive to negative can be identified. Finally the peaks of AP acceleration preceding the transitional positions, and greater than the product of a threshold and the maximum value of the AP acceleration are denoted as heel contact events... This threshold is defined as the ratio to the maximum value of the AP acceleration, for example 0.5 indicates the threshold is set at 50% of the maximum AP acceleration. Its default value is set to 0.4 as determined experimentally in this paper, where this value allowed correct detection of all gait events in control subjects. However, when a more irregular pattern is analysed, the threshold should be less than 0.4. The user can test different threshold values and find the best one according to the gait event detection results.”

x : list
x-axis accelerometer data
y : list
y-axis accelerometer data
z : list
z-axis accelerometer data
t : list
time points for accelerometer data
sample_rate : float
sample rate of accelerometer reading (Hz)
duration : float
duration of accelerometer reading (s)
threshold : float
ratio to the maximum value of the anterior-posterior acceleration
order : integer
order of the Butterworth filter
cutoff : integer
cutoff frequency of the Butterworth filter (Hz)
heel_strikes : numpy array
heel strike timings
number_of_steps : integer
estimated number of steps based on heel strikes
cadence : float
number of steps divided by duration
step_durations : numpy array
step durations
avg_step_duration : float
average step duration
sd_step_durations : float
standard deviation of step durations
strides : list of two lists of floats
stride timings for each side
avg_number_of_strides : float
estimated number of strides based on alternating heel strikes
stride_durations : list of two lists of floats
estimated stride durations
avg_stride_duration : float
average stride duration
sd_step_durations : float
standard deviation of stride durations
step_regularity_x : float
measure of step regularity in x-axis
step_regularity_y : float
measure of step regularity in y-axis
step_regularity_z : float
measure of step regularity in z-axis
stride_regularity_x : float
measure of stride regularity in x-axis
stride_regularity_y : float
measure of stride regularity in y-axis
stride_regularity_z : float
measure of stride regularity in z-axis
symmetry_x : float
measure of gait symmetry in x-axis
symmetry_y : float
measure of gait symmetry in y-axis
symmetry_z : float
measure of gait symmetry in z-axis
>>> from mhealthx.xio import read_accel_json, compute_sample_rate
>>> input_file = '/Users/arno/DriveWork/mhealthx/mpower_sample_data/accel_walking_outbound.json.items-6dc4a144-55c3-4e6d-982c-19c7a701ca243282023468470322798.tmp'
>>> x, y, z, t, sample_rate, duration = read_accel_json(input_file)
>>> from mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT import gait
>>> threshold = 0.2
>>> order = 4
>>> cutoff = 5
>>> data = y
>>> a = gait(x, y, z, t, sample_rate, duration, threshold, order, cutoff)
mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT.gait_regularity_symmetry(x, y, z, step_period, stride_period)

Compute step and stride regularity and symmetry from accelerometer data.

From Yang, et al., 2012:

“The peak value a1 = NFC(t1), which is found at the t1 lag time to be a step period, indicates the step regularity in a direction. The peak value a2 = NFC(t2), which was found at the t2 lag time to be a stride period, indicates the stride regularity in a direction. The variance of the stride regularity and step regularity D = |a2 - a1, can be used as an indicator to measure gait asymmetry. A smaller value of D indicates a more symmetric gait. A larger value of D indicates a more asymmetric gait. In total, iGAIT extracts seven regularity and symmetry features from the acceleration data, namely

- Step regularity: vertical (VT), anterior-posterior (AP) directions
- Stride regularity: VT, AP, medial-lateral (ML) directions
- Symmetry: VT, AP directions
x : list
x-axis accelerometer data
y : list
y-axis accelerometer data
z : list
z-axis accelerometer data
step_period : integer
step period
stride_period : integer
stride period
step_regularity_x : float
step regularity measure in medial-lateral direction
step_regularity_y : float
step regularity measure in anterior-posterior direction
step_regularity_z : float
step regularity measure in vertical direction
stride_regularity_x : float
stride regularity measure in medial-lateral direction
stride_regularity_y : float
stride regularity measure in anterior-posterior direction
stride_regularity_z : float
stride regularity measure in vertical direction
symmetry_x : float
symmetry measure in medial-lateral direction
symmetry_y : float
symmetry measure in anterior-posterior direction
symmetry_z : float
symmetry measure in vertical direction
>>> from mhealthx.xio import read_accel_json
>>> from mhealthx.extractors.iGAIT import gait_regularity_symmetry
>>> input_file = '/Users/arno/DriveWork/mhealthx/mpower_sample_data/accel_walking_outbound.json.items-6dc4a144-55c3-4e6d-982c-19c7a701ca243282023468470322798.tmp'
>>> x, y, z, t, sample_rate, duration = read_accel_json(input_file)
>>> step_period = 2
>>> stride_period = 1
>>> a = gait_regularity_symmetry(x, y, z, step_period, stride_period)

The root mean square of acceleration indicates the intensity of motion. The RMS values of the three acceleration directions (VT, AP and ML) are calculated as: RMS_d = sqrt( (sum[i=0:N-1](xdi - [xd])^2 / N) ) where xdi (i = 1,2,...,N; d = VT,AP,ML) is the acceleration in either the VT, AP or ML axis, N is the length of the acceleration signal, [xd] is the mean value of acceleration in any axis.