AD Knowledge Portal Workshop: Differential Expression Analysis of 5xFAD mouse models


Laura Heath & Jaclyn Beck (Sage Bionetworks)

Adapted from code written by Ravi Pandey (Jackson Laboratories)


November 12, 2024

This notebook will take the raw counts matrix and metadata files we downloaded in the first part of the workshop (5XFAD_data_R_tutorial.qmd) to run a basic differential expression analysis on a single time point (12 months) in male mice. You can amend the code to compare wild type and 5XFAD mice from either sex, at any time point. For a more in-depth tutorial on DESeq2 and how to handle more complicated experimental setups, see this vignette on DESeq2.

The data used in this notebook is obtained from The Jax.IU.Pitt_5XFAD Study (Jax.IU.Pitt_5XFAD), which can be found here on the AD Knowledge Portal.


Install and load packages

We will need several new packages from Bioconductor to run this analysis:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

BiocManager::install(c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano"))

If not already installed, be sure to install the synapser, tidyverse, and lubridate packages from part 1 of this workshop.

Load necessary libraries.


Download counts and metadata from Synapse

The code below is a (more condensed) repeat of the code from Part 1 of the workshop (5XFAD_data_r_tutorial.qmd) that fetches the counts file and metadata files. If you have just run that notebook and still have counts and covars in your environment, you likely do not need to re-run the code below and can skip to Modify the data for analysis.

First, we log in to Syanpse:


Then, we fetch the counts and metadata files. As mentioned in part 1, it is good practice to assign the output of synGet to a variable and use variable$path to reference the file name, as done below. For this part of the workshop, we will skip the bulk download step for metadata files and instead download each file by ID.

# counts
counts_id <- "syn22108847"
counts_file <- synGet(counts_id,
                      downloadLocation = "files/",
                      ifcollision = "overwrite.local")
counts <- read_tsv(counts_file$path, show_col_types = FALSE)

# individual metadata
ind_metaID <- "syn22103212"
ind_file <- synGet(ind_metaID,
                   downloadLocation = "files/",
                   ifcollision = "overwrite.local")
ind_meta <- read_csv(ind_file$path, show_col_types = FALSE)

# biospecimen metadata
bio_metaID <- "syn22103213"
bio_file <- synGet(bio_metaID,
                   downloadLocation = "files/",
                   ifcollision = "overwrite.local")
bio_meta <- read_csv(bio_file$path, show_col_types = FALSE)

# RNA assay metadata
rna_metaID <- "syn22110328"
rna_file <- synGet(rna_metaID,
                   downloadLocation = "files/",
                   ifcollision = "overwrite.local")
rna_meta <- read_csv(rna_file$path, show_col_types = FALSE)

Join metadata files together

Join the three metadata files by IDs in common so we can associate the column names of counts (which are specimenIDs) with individual mice from the individual metadata file.

joined_meta <- rna_meta |> # start with the rnaseq assay metadata
  # join rows from biospecimen that match specimenID
  left_join(bio_meta, by = "specimenID") |> 
  # join rows from individual that match individualID
  left_join(ind_meta, by = "individualID") 

Create a timepoint variable (months since birth) from the dateBirth and dateDeath fields in the metadata.

# convert columns of strings to month-date-year format using lubridate
joined_meta_time <- joined_meta |>
  mutate(dateBirth = mdy(dateBirth),
         dateDeath = mdy(dateDeath)) |>
  # create a new column that subtracts dateBirth from dateDeath in days, then
  # divide by 30 to get months
  mutate(timepoint = as.numeric(difftime(dateDeath, dateBirth, 
                                         units = "days")) / 30) |>
  # convert numeric ages to timepoint categories
  mutate(timepoint = case_when(timepoint > 10 ~ "12 mo",
                               timepoint < 10 & timepoint > 5 ~ "6 mo",
                               timepoint < 5 ~ "4 mo"))

# check that the timepoint column looks ok (should be 6 mice in each group)
joined_meta_time |>
  group_by(sex, genotype, timepoint) |>

Select the covariates needed for the analysis

covars <- joined_meta_time |>
  dplyr::select(individualID, specimenID, sex, genotype, timepoint)


Utility function that maps Ensembl IDs to gene symbols (copied from Part 1)

# Assumes that the rownames of "df" are the Ensembl IDs
map_ensembl_ids <- function(df) {
  ensembl_to_gene <- read.csv(file = "ensembl_translation_key.csv")
  mapped_df <- df |>
    # Make a gene_id column that matches the ensembl_to_gene table
    rownames_to_column("gene_id") |>
    dplyr::left_join(ensembl_to_gene, by = "gene_id") |>
    relocate(gene_name, .after = gene_id)
  # The first two genes in the matrix are the humanized genes PSEN1
  # (ENSG00000080815) and APP (ENSG00000142192). Set these manually:
  mapped_df[1, "gene_name"] <- "PSEN1"
  mapped_df[2, "gene_name"] <- "APP"

End of repeated code from part 1.

Modify the data for analysis

Clean up the covars data: coerce covars into a dataframe, label the rows by specimenID, and check the result

covars <-
rownames(covars) <- covars$specimenID

Order the data (counts columns and metadata rows MUST be in the same order), and subset the counts matrix and metadata to include only 12 month old male mice

meta.12M.Male <- covars |>
  subset(sex == "male" & timepoint == "12 mo")

# Subsets counts to only the 12 month male samples, and puts the samples in the
# same order they appear in meta.12M.Male
counts.12M.Male <- counts |>
  # Set the rownames to the gene ID, remove "gene_id" column
  column_to_rownames("gene_id") |>
  # Only use columns that appear in meta.12M.Male

This leaves us with 12 samples, 6 per genotype:

meta.12M.Male |>
  group_by(sex, genotype, timepoint) |>

Verify that the columns in counts.12M.Male are in the same order as the specimenIDs in meta.12M.Male:

all(colnames(counts.12M.Male) == meta.12M.Male$specimenID)
[1] TRUE

We should now have:

  1. A data.frame of metadata for 12-month-old male mice, one row per specimen
  2. A matrix of counts where each row is a gene and each column is a single specimen

We can now analyze this data with DESeq2.

Differential Expression Analysis using DESeq2

Set up data for analysis. All samples are male, 12 month old mice, so we are only interested in looking at the effect of genotype on the data. We specify this for DESeq2 by setting the design argument to ~ genotype. This tells DESeq2 to use the linear model expression ~ genotype when solving for the effect of genotype. For this to work properly, we need to make sure genotype is a factor so DESeq2 knows it is a categorical value.

meta.12M.Male$genotype <- factor(meta.12M.Male$genotype)

ddsHTSeq <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts.12M.Male,
                                   colData = meta.12M.Male,
                                   design = ~ genotype)

Note on R formula syntax: Using ~ variable will automatically be expanded to represent the linear equation expression ~ (beta1 * 1) + (beta2 * variable), where 1 represents the intercept of the equation and beta1 and beta2 are the coefficients that should be estimated.

For more complicated formula setup, refer to the DESeq2 vignette.

Back to analysis…

Filter out genes that have all zero counts across all samples. You can also use more stringent criteria like only keeping genes that have at least X counts in at least Y samples, but for this workshop we will just remove zero-genes.

paste("Total genes before filtering:", nrow(ddsHTSeq))
[1] "Total genes before filtering: 55489"
ddsHTSeq <- ddsHTSeq[rowSums(counts(ddsHTSeq)) >= 1, ]

paste("Total genes after filtering:", nrow(ddsHTSeq))
[1] "Total genes after filtering: 40784"

Set wild-type mice (5XFAD_noncarrier) as the reference genotype, so the comparison is 5XFAD_carrier - 5XFAD_noncarrier.

ddsHTSeq$genotype <- relevel(ddsHTSeq$genotype, ref = "5XFAD_noncarrier")   

Run DESeq

This function normalizes the read counts, estimates dispersions, and fits the linear model using the formula we specified in design above (~ genotype)

dds <- DESeq(ddsHTSeq, parallel = TRUE)

Extract a table of results

The significance threshold can be set using the alpha argument of the results function. Here we use 0.05.

res <- results(dds, alpha = 0.05)

out of 40784 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.05
LFC > 0 (up)       : 1091, 2.7%
LFC < 0 (down)     : 492, 1.2%
outliers [1]       : 33, 0.081%
low counts [2]     : 15803, 39%
(mean count < 6)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results

Add gene symbols to the results

res <- map_ensembl_ids(

What are some of the top up-regulated genes?

res |>
  subset(padj < 0.05) |>
  slice_max(order_by = log2FoldChange, n = 10) %>%
  select(gene_id, gene_name, log2FoldChange, padj)

What are some of the top down-regulated genes?

res |>
  subset(padj < 0.05) |>
  slice_min(order_by = log2FoldChange, n = 10) %>%
  select(gene_id, gene_name, log2FoldChange, padj)

Plot results

Volcano plot of differential expression results: all genes with p < 0.05 and log2FC > 0.5

plot_DEGvolcano <- EnhancedVolcano(res,
                                   lab = res$gene_name,
                                   x = 'log2FoldChange',
                                   y = 'padj',
                                   legendPosition = 'none',
                                   title = 'DE Results of 12 mo. old Male Mice',
                                   subtitle = '',
                                   FCcutoff = 0.5,
                                   pCutoff = 0.05,
                                   xlim = c(-3, 17),
                                   pointSize = 1,
                                   labSize = 4)


Save results table and plot:

write.csv(res, file="5XFAD_DEresults_12mo_males.csv", row.names=FALSE)

ggsave("VolcanoPlot.png", width = 8, height = 6, units = "in")

R Package Info
R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20
Running under: macOS Monterey 12.7.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib 
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib;  LAPACK version 3.12.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: America/Los_Angeles
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] lubridate_1.9.3             tibble_3.2.1               
 [3] readr_2.1.5                 synapser_2.1.1.259         
 [5] dplyr_1.1.4                 EnhancedVolcano_1.22.0     
 [7] ggrepel_0.9.6               ggplot2_3.5.1              
 [9] DESeq2_1.44.0               SummarizedExperiment_1.34.0
[11] Biobase_2.64.0              MatrixGenerics_1.16.0      
[13] matrixStats_1.4.1           GenomicRanges_1.56.2       
[15] GenomeInfoDb_1.40.1         IRanges_2.38.1             
[17] S4Vectors_0.42.1            BiocGenerics_0.50.0        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] gtable_0.3.5            rjson_0.2.21            xfun_0.48              
 [4] htmlwidgets_1.6.4       lattice_0.22-6          tzdb_0.4.0             
 [7] vctrs_0.6.5             tools_4.4.1             generics_0.1.3         
[10] parallel_4.4.1          fansi_1.0.6             pkgconfig_2.0.3        
[13] Matrix_1.7-0            lifecycle_1.0.4         GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.12
[16] farver_2.1.2            compiler_4.4.1          textshaping_0.4.0      
[19] munsell_0.5.1           codetools_0.2-20        htmltools_0.5.8.1      
[22] yaml_2.3.10             pillar_1.9.0            crayon_1.5.3           
[25] BiocParallel_1.38.0     DelayedArray_0.30.1     abind_1.4-8            
[28] tidyselect_1.2.1        locfit_1.5-9.10         digest_0.6.37          
[31] labeling_0.4.3          rprojroot_2.0.4         fastmap_1.2.0          
[34] grid_4.4.1              here_1.0.1              colorspace_2.1-1       
[37] cli_3.6.3               SparseArray_1.4.8       magrittr_2.0.3         
[40] S4Arrays_1.4.1          utf8_1.2.4              withr_3.0.1            
[43] scales_1.3.0            UCSC.utils_1.0.0        bit64_4.5.2            
[46] timechange_0.3.0        rmarkdown_2.28          XVector_0.44.0         
[49] httr_1.4.7              bit_4.5.0               reticulate_1.39.0      
[52] ragg_1.3.3              hms_1.1.3               png_0.1-8              
[55] evaluate_1.0.1          knitr_1.48              rlang_1.1.4            
[58] Rcpp_1.0.13             glue_1.8.0              vroom_1.6.5            
[61] rstudioapi_0.16.0       jsonlite_1.8.9          R6_2.5.1               
[64] systemfonts_1.1.0       zlibbioc_1.50.0