
constructor(firstName: String? = null, lastName: String? = null, synapseUserId: String? = null, id: String? = null, notifyByEmail: Boolean = true, attributes: Map<String, String>? = null, sharingScope: SharingScope? = null, createdOn: String? = null, emailVerified: Boolean? = null, phoneVerified: Boolean? = null, status: AccountStatus? = null, roles: List<Role>? = null, dataGroups: List<String>? = null, clientData: JsonElement? = null, languages: List<String>? = null, studyIds: List<String>? = null, externalIds: Map<String, String>? = null, orgMembership: String? = null, clientTimeZone: String? = null, healthCode: String? = null, email: String? = null, phone: Phone? = null, consentHistories: Map<String, List<UserConsentHistory>>? = null, enrollments: Map<String, EnrollmentInfo>? = null, consented: Boolean? = null, timeZone: String? = null, type: String? = null)



First name (given name) of the user.


Last name (family name) of the user.


The numerical identifier for a Synapse account. For administrative accounts, this will allow the user to sign in using Synapse accounts, no further credentials are needed to access the system. This value can only be set when creating an account; otherwise the identifiers update API must be used to add the ID to an existing account.


An ID assigned to this account by Bridge system. This ID is exposed in the API and is different from the health code assigned to the user's anonymized data. Bridge never exports this ID along with the health code from Bridge.


True if the user has consented to be contacted via email outside the application, false otherwise.


A map of user profile attributes that have been set for this user (the attributes themselves must be specified in the app's configuration, and the values are stored encrypted in case they capture personally-identifying information).


The date and time the account was created.


Has the user verified that they have control of this email address?


Has the user verified that they have control of this phone number?


The data groups set for this user. Data groups must be strings that are defined in the list of all valid data groups for the app, as part of the app object.


Client data for a user should be in a syntactically valid JSON format. It will be returned as is to the client (as JSON).


Two letter language codes to assign to this user (these are initially retrieved from the user's Accept-Language header and then persisted as part of account configuration).


The studies this participant is associated to. For administrative accounts, these are the studies associated to the account's organization. For study participants, these will be the studies that the person is enrolled in.


The exernal IDs this participant is associated to, mapped to the study that issued the external ID. Typically a user signs up with the external ID, and is assigned to that study as a result.


The identifier of the organization this account is a member of (this will be an administrative account and not a study participant). Once set, it cannot be changed on an update (there are separate organization membership APIs to change organizational membership).


Participant's time zone. Can be updated or deleted. Must be an IANA time zone name.


Only included in studies that have been configured to return the health code, and only to researchers through the researcher APIs.


The user's email.


A complete historical record of all the user's consents and withdrawals of consent for all studies in the app.


Records of every enrollment (whether withdrawn or not) in every study for this participant. The key of this mapping is the studyId, and the value is the record of the enrollment.


True if the user has consented to all required consents, based on the user's most recent request info (client info, languages, data groups). May be null if this object was not constructed with consent histories, or if consent status is indeterminate.


User's original time zone, as measured by the timezone used to request activities, as a string offset in ISO8601 format. Related to the v3 scheduling API, it is not always set or reliable.

