Package-level declarations

Repositories for Bridge endpoints.


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abstract class AbstractResourceRepo(val database: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope)
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class ActivityEventsRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, val scheduleTimelineRepo: ScheduleTimelineRepo) : AbstractResourceRepo
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class AdherenceRecordRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, val bridgeConfig: BridgeConfig?, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope) : AbstractResourceRepo
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class AppConfigRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, val bridgeConfig: BridgeConfig) : AbstractResourceRepo
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class AssessmentConfigRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope) : AbstractResourceRepo
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data class AssessmentHistoryRecord(val instanceGuid: String, val assessmentInfo: AssessmentInfo, val startedOn: Instant, val finishedOn: Instant, val clientTimeZone: String? = null, val clientData: JsonElement? = null)
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class AuthenticationRepository(authHttpClient: HttpClient, val bridgeConfig: BridgeConfig, val database: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, encryptedSharedSettings: EncryptedSharedSettings) : KoinComponent, AuthenticationProvider
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class ParticipantRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, authenticationRepo: AuthenticationRepository) : AbstractResourceRepo
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class ParticipantReportRepo(httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope) : AbstractResourceRepo
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data class PendingUploadFile(val filePath: String, val uploadSessionId: String?)
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data class Report

Client side version of participant ReportData.

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data class ScheduledAssessmentReference(val instanceGuid: String, val studyId: String, val assessmentInfo: AssessmentInfo, val adherenceRecordList: List<AdherenceRecord>)
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data class ScheduledNotification(val instanceGuid: String, val scheduleOn: LocalDateTime, val repeatInterval: DateTimePeriod?, val repeatUntil: LocalDateTime?, val allowSnooze: Boolean, val message: NotificationMessage?, val isTimeSensitive: Boolean = false)
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data class ScheduledSessionTimelineSlice(val instantInDay: Instant, val timezone: TimeZone, val isLoaded: Boolean, val scheduledSessionWindows: List<ScheduledSessionWindow>, val notifications: List<ScheduledNotification>)

A parsed instance of the schedule calculated at a given instant in time and split into which schedules are available now, up next, or require scheduling a notification.

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data class ScheduledSessionWindow(val scheduledSession: ScheduledSession, val eventTimestamp: Instant, val startDateTime: LocalDateTime, val endDateTime: LocalDateTime, val assessments: List<ScheduledAssessmentReference>, val sessionInfo: SessionInfo, val notifications: List<ScheduledNotification>?)
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class ScheduleTimelineRepo(adherenceRecordRepo: AdherenceRecordRepo, assessmentConfigRepo: AssessmentConfigRepo, httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, var scheduleMutator: ParticipantScheduleMutator? = null) : AbstractResourceRepo
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data class StudyBurst(val sessions: List<ScheduledSessionWindow> = listOf())
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data class StudyBurstSchedule(val timezone: TimeZone, val studyBurstList: List<StudyBurst> = listOf())

A parsed instance of the schedule calculated from the user's joined instant in time onward, and organized in by study burst event ID

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class StudyRepo(bridgeConfig: BridgeConfig, httpClient: HttpClient, databaseHelper: ResourceDatabaseHelper, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope) : AbstractResourceRepo