******* Authors ******* **challengeutils** would not be possible without the evergrowing efforts of: - `Thomas Yu`_ - `Xindi Guo`_ - `Verena Chung`_ and everyone else on our `contributors list`_. Thank you all! |beers| .. _Thomas Yu: https://github.com/thomasyu888 .. _Verena Chung: https://github.com/vpchung .. _Xindi Guo: https://github.com/xindiguo .. _contributors list: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/challengeutils/graphs/contributors .. |beers| image:: ../static/beers.png :scale: 10 If you would like to help make **challengeutils** better, either through code, documentation, tests, or bug reports, don't hesitate to do so! See our `contributing guide`_ for more information. .. _contributing guide: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/challengeutils/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md