

challengeutils command line client

challengeutils.__main__.command_list_registered_challenges(syn, args)[source]

List the challenges a user is registered to. Defaults to the logged in synapse user is userid isn’t specified.

>>> challengeutils list-registered-challenges
>>> challengeutils list-registered-challenges --userid 1223


challengeutils command line client

challengeutils.__main__.command_createchallenge(syn, args)[source]

Creates a challenge space in Synapse. This pulls from a standard DREAM template and creates the Projects and Teams that you will need for a challenge. For more information on all the components this function creates, please head to challenge administration.

>>> challengeutils createchallenge "Challenge Name Here"
challengeutils.__main__.command_mirrorwiki(syn, args)[source]

Mirrors (sync) wiki pages by using the wikipage titles between two Synapse Entities. This function only works if entity and destination are the same type and both must have wiki pages. Only wiki pages with the same titles will be copied from entity to destination - if there is a wiki page that you want to add, you will have to create a wiki page first in the destination with the same name.

Note: this is different from copying a wiki - to copy a wiki, please look at synapseutils.copyWiki.

>>> challengeutils mirrorwiki syn12345 syn23456
challengeutils.__main__.command_list_evaluations(syn, args)[source]

Lists evaluation queues of a project

>>> challengeutils listevaluations projectid
challengeutils.__main__.command_set_evaluation_quota(syn, args)[source]

Sets the evaluation quota on existing evaluation queues. This WILL erase any old quota you had previously set. Note - round_start must be specified with either round_end or round_duration and number_of_rounds must be defined for the time limits to work. submission_limit will work without number_of_rounds.

>>> challengeutils setevaluationquota 12345                                           --round_start 2020-02-21T17:00:00                                           --round_end 2020-02-23T17:00:00                                           --num_rounds 2                                           --sub_limit 3
challengeutils.__main__.command_set_evaluation_acl(syn, args)[source]

Sets permissions on queues for users or teams. By default the user is public if there is no user or team specified and the default permission is view.

>>> challengeutils setevaluationacl 12345 user_or_team score
challengeutils.__main__.command_query(syn, args)[source]

Command line convenience function to call evaluation queue query Evaluation queues offer a separate query service from the rest of Synapse. This query function will print the leaderboard in a csv format in standard out. Proceed here to learn more about this query service.

>>> challengeutils query "select objectId, status from evaluation_12345"
challengeutils.__main__.command_download_submission(syn, args)[source]

Downloads a Synapse Submission given a submission id

>>> challengeutils downloadsubmission submissionid
challengeutils.__main__.command_annotate_submission_with_json(syn, args)[source]

Annotate a Synapse submission with a json file. This function is used by a ChallengeWorkflowTemplates tool.

>>> challengeutils annotatesubmission 12345 annotations.json --to_public
challengeutils.__main__.command_change_status(syn, args)[source]

Each submission has a status, this is a convenience function to change the status of a submission. Here is a list of valid statuses

>>> challengeutils changestatus 1234545 INVALID
challengeutils.__main__.command_stop_submission_over_quota(syn, args)[source]

Sets an annotation on Synapse Docker submissions such that it will be terminated by the orchestrator. Usually applies to submissions that have been running for longer than the alloted time.

>>> challengeutils stop-submission-over-quota submission_viewid quota
challengeutils.__main__.command_set_entity_acl(syn, args)[source]

Sets permissions on entities for users or teams. By default the user is public if there is no user or team specified and the default permission is view.

>>> challengeutils setentityacl syn123545 user_or_team view
challengeutils.__main__.command_validate_project(syn, args)[source]

Validate a Project submission, e.g. writeup.

>>> challengeutils validate-project 9876543 syn123                                        [--public]                                        [--admin bob]                                        [--output foo.txt]
challengeutils.__main__.command_archive_project(syn, args)[source]

Archive a Project submission by creating a copy of it.

>>> challengeutils archive-project 9876543
challengeutils.__main__.command_delete_submission(syn, args)[source]

Deletes a submission

>>> challengeutils delete-submission 12345
challengeutils.__main__.command_validate_docker(syn, args)[source]

Validates Docker image by making sure it exists and is less than one terabyte

>>> challengeutils validate-docker submissionid
challengeutils.__main__.command_push_wiki(syn, args)[source]

Command line interface to upload wiki updates

>>> challengeutils push-wiki syn12345 --workdir .
challengeutils.__main__.command_pull_wiki(syn, args)[source]

Command line interface to download wiki into local markdown files

>>> challengeutils pull-wiki syn12345 --workdir .