Source code for challengeutils.mirrorwiki

"""Mirrors (sync) wiki pages by using the wikipage titles between
two Synapse Entities. This function only works if `entity` and
`destination`are the same type and both must have wiki pages.
Only wiki pages with the same titles will be copied from
`entity` to `destination` - if there is a wiki page that you
want to add, you will have to create a wiki page first in the
`destination` with the same name.


    import challengeutils
    import synapseclient
    syn = synapseclient.login()
    source_project = syn.get("syn123")
    target_project = syn.get("syn234")
    challengeutils.mirrorwiki.mirror(syn=syn, entity=source_project,

import logging
import re
from typing import Union, List, Dict

from synapseclient import File, Folder, Project, Wiki, Synapse
from synapseclient.core.exceptions import SynapseHTTPError
import synapseutils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PREVIEW_FILE_HANDLE = "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.PreviewFileHandle"

def _replace_wiki_text(
    markdown: str,
    wiki_mapping: dict,
    entity: Union[File, Folder, Project],
    destination: Union[File, Folder, Project],
) -> str:
    """Remap wiki text with correct synapse links

        markdown: Markdown text
        wiki_mapping: mapping of old to new wiki pages
        entity: Synapse entity with wiki
        dest: Synapse entity with wiki

        Remapped markdown string

    for entity_page_id in wiki_mapping:
        dest_subwiki = wiki_mapping[entity_page_id]
        # Replace the wiki
        orig_text = f"{}/wiki/{entity_page_id}"
        map_to_text = f"{}/wiki/{dest_subwiki}"
        markdown = re.sub(orig_text, map_to_text, markdown)
        # Some widgets that you fill in with synapse links
        # are auto encoded. / -> %2F
        orig_text = f"{}%2Fwiki%2F{entity_page_id}"
        map_to_text = f"{}%2Fwiki%2F{dest_subwiki}"
        markdown = re.sub(orig_text, map_to_text, markdown)
    markdown = re.sub(,, markdown)
    return markdown

def _copy_attachments(syn: Synapse, entity_wiki: Wiki) -> list:
    """Copy wiki attachments

        syn: Synapse connection
        entity_wiki: Wiki you are copying

        Synapse Attachment filehandleids

    # All attachments must be updated
    if entity_wiki["attachmentFileHandleIds"]:
        attachments = [
                filehandleid,, objectType="WikiAttachment"
            for filehandleid in entity_wiki["attachmentFileHandleIds"]
        # Remove preview attachments
        no_previews = [
            for attachment in attachments
            if attachment["fileHandle"]["concreteType"] != PREVIEW_FILE_HANDLE
        content_types = [attachment["contentType"] for attachment in no_previews]
        file_names = [attachment["fileName"] for attachment in no_previews]
        copied_filehandles = synapseutils.copyFileHandles(
            ["WikiAttachment"] * len(no_previews),
            [] * len(no_previews),
        new_attachments = [
            filehandle["newFileHandle"]["id"] for filehandle in copied_filehandles
        new_attachments = []
    return new_attachments

def _get_headers(syn: Synapse, entity: Union[File, Folder, Project]) -> List[dict]:
    """Get wiki headers.

        syn: Synapse connection
        entity: A Synapse Entity

        List of wiki headers


        wiki_headers = syn.getWikiHeaders(entity)
    except SynapseHTTPError:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{} has no Wiki. Mirroring wikis "
            "require that both `entity` and `destination` "
            "have the same wiki structure. If you want to copy "
            "a wiki page from `entity` to `destination`, you may "
            "want to use `synapseutils.copyWiki`"
    return wiki_headers

def _update_wiki(
    syn: Synapse,
    entity_wiki_pages: Dict[str, Wiki],
    destination_wiki_pages: Dict[str, Wiki],
    force: bool = False,
    dryrun: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Wiki]:
    """Updates wiki pages.

        entity_wiki_pages: Mapping between wiki title and synapseclient.Wiki
        destination_wiki_pages: Mapping between wiki title and
        force: This will update a page even if its the same. Default is False.

        **kwargs: Same parameters as mirrorwiki.replace_wiki_text

    mirrored_wiki = []
    for title in entity_wiki_pages:
        # If destination wiki does not have the title page, do not update
        if destination_wiki_pages.get(title) is None:
  "Title doesn't exist at destination: {title}")

        # Generate new markdown text
        entity_wiki = entity_wiki_pages[title]
        destination_wiki = destination_wiki_pages[title]
        markdown = _replace_wiki_text(markdown=entity_wiki.markdown, **kwargs)

        if destination_wiki.markdown == markdown and not force:
  "No page updates: {title}")
  "Updating: {title}")
            destination_wiki.markdown = markdown

        # Should copy over the attachments every time because
        # someone could name attachments with the same name
        new_attachments = _copy_attachments(syn, entity_wiki)

        destination_wiki.update({"attachmentFileHandleIds": new_attachments})
        if not dryrun:
            destination_wiki =

    return mirrored_wiki

def _get_wikipages_and_mapping(
    syn: Synapse,
    entity: Union[File, Folder, Project],
    destination: Union[File, Folder, Project],
) -> dict:
    """Get entity/destination pages and mapping of wiki pages

        syn: Synapse connection
        entity: Synapse File, Project, Folder Entity or Id with
                Wiki you want to copy
        destination: Synapse File, Project, Folder Entity or Id
                     with Wiki that matches entity

        {'entity_wiki_pages': {'title': synapseclient.Wiki}
         'destination_wiki_pages': {'title': synapseclient.Wiki}
         'wiki_mapping': {'wiki_id': 'dest_wiki_id'}}

    entity_wiki = _get_headers(syn, entity)
    destination_wiki = _get_headers(syn, destination)

    entity_wiki_pages = {}
    for wiki in entity_wiki:
        entity_wiki = syn.getWiki(entity, wiki["id"])
        entity_wiki_pages[wiki["title"]] = entity_wiki

    # Mapping dictionary containing wiki page mapping between
    # entity and destination
    wiki_mapping = {}
    destination_wiki_pages = {}
    for wiki in destination_wiki:
        destination_wiki = syn.getWiki(destination, wiki["id"])
        destination_wiki_pages[wiki["title"]] = destination_wiki
        # Only map wiki pages that exist in `entity` (source)
        if entity_wiki_pages.get(wiki["title"]) is not None:
            wiki_mapping[entity_wiki_pages[wiki["title"]].id] = wiki["id"]
                "Title exists at destination but not in " f"entity: {wiki['title']}"

    return {
        "entity_wiki_pages": entity_wiki_pages,
        "destination_wiki_pages": destination_wiki_pages,
        "wiki_mapping": wiki_mapping,

[docs]def mirror( syn: Synapse, entity: Union[File, Folder, Project], destination: Union[File, Folder, Project], force: bool = False, dryrun: bool = False, ): """Mirrors (sync) wiki pages by using the wikipage titles between two Synapse Entities. This function only works if `entity` and `destination` are the same type and both must have wiki pages. Only wiki pages with the same titles will be copied from `entity` to `destination` - if there is a wiki page that you want to add, you will have to create a wiki page first in the `destination` with the same name. Args: entity: Synapse File, Project, Folder Entity or Id with Wiki you want to copy destination: Synapse File, Project, Folder Entity or Id with Wiki that matches entity force: Update a page even if its the same. Default to False. dryrun: Show the pages that have changed but don't update. Default is False. """ entity = syn.get(entity, downloadFile=False) destination = syn.get(destination, downloadFile=False) if type(entity) is not type(destination): raise ValueError("Can only mirror wiki pages between similar " "entity types") # Get entity/destination pages and mapping of wiki pages pages_and_mappings = _get_wikipages_and_mapping(syn, entity, destination) if dryrun:"Your wiki pages will not be mirrored. `dryrun` is True") _update_wiki( syn, **pages_and_mappings, force=force, dryrun=dryrun, entity=entity, destination=destination, )