Source code for challengeutils.utils

Challenge utility functions
import datetime
import json
import logging
import sys
import urllib

import synapseclient
from synapseclient.annotations import (
from synapseclient.core.exceptions import SynapseHTTPError
from synapseclient.core.utils import id_of

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
def _switch_annotation_permission(add_annotations, existing_annotations, force=False):
    Switch annotation permissions
    If you add a private annotation that appears in the public annotation,
    it should throw an error, or switch permissions

        add_annotations: Annotations to add
        existing_annotations: Existing annotations (of the opposite annotation
        force: Force the annotation permission to change. Default is False.

        Existing annotations
    check_key = [key in add_annotations for key in existing_annotations]
    if sum(check_key) == 0:
    elif sum(check_key) > 0 and force:
        # Filter out the annotations that have changed ACL
        existing_annotations = {
            key: existing_annotations[key]
            for key in existing_annotations
            if key not in add_annotations
        change_keys = [key for key in existing_annotations if key in add_annotations]
        raise ValueError(
            "You are trying to change the ACL of these annotation key(s): {}."
            " Either change the annotation key or specify "
            "force=True".format(", ".join(change_keys))
    return existing_annotations

# TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
def _submission_annotations_to_dict(annotations, is_private=True):
    Convert private / public submission status objects to dictionary

        annotations: Synapse submission status object
        is_private: Private or public annotations

        dictionary with annotation key value pairs
    annotation_dict = {
        annotation["key"]: annotation["value"]
        for annotation_type in annotations
        for annotation in annotations[annotation_type]
        if annotation_type not in ["scopeId", "objectId"]
        and annotation["isPrivate"] == is_private
    return annotation_dict

# TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
[docs]def update_single_submission_status( status, add_annotations, is_private=True, force=False ): """ This will update a single submission's status Args: status: syn.getSubmissionStatus() add_annotations: Annotations that you want to add in dict or submission status annotations format. If dict, all submissions will be added as private submissions is_private: Annotations are set to private (default is True) force: Force update the annotation from private to public and vice versa. Returns: Updated submission status """ existing_annots = status.get("annotations", dict()) private_annotations = _submission_annotations_to_dict( existing_annots, is_private=True ) public_annotations = _submission_annotations_to_dict( existing_annots, is_private=False ) if not is_submission_status_annotations(add_annotations): private_added_annotations = add_annotations if is_private else dict() public_added_annotations = dict() if is_private else add_annotations else: private_added_annotations = _submission_annotations_to_dict( add_annotations, is_private=True ) public_added_annotations = _submission_annotations_to_dict( add_annotations, is_private=False ) # If you add a private annotation that appears in the public annotation, # it switches private_annotations = _switch_annotation_permission( public_added_annotations, private_annotations, force ) public_annotations = _switch_annotation_permission( private_added_annotations, public_annotations, force ) private_annotations.update(private_added_annotations) public_annotations.update(public_added_annotations) priv = to_submission_status_annotations(private_annotations, is_private=True) pub = to_submission_status_annotations(public_annotations, is_private=False) # Combined private and public annotations into # one Submission.Status.annotation combined_annotations = {"stringAnnos": [], "longAnnos": [], "doubleAnnos": []} for annotation_type in ["stringAnnos", "longAnnos", "doubleAnnos"]: private_annotation = priv.get(annotation_type) public_annotation = pub.get(annotation_type) private_annotation_exists = private_annotation is not None public_annotation_exists = public_annotation is not None if private_annotation_exists: combined_annotations[annotation_type].extend(private_annotation) if public_annotation_exists: combined_annotations[annotation_type].extend(public_annotation) # Remove annotation key if doesn't exist if not private_annotation_exists and not public_annotation_exists: combined_annotations.pop(annotation_type) status["annotations"] = combined_annotations return status
# TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
[docs]def evaluation_queue_query(syn, uri, limit=20, offset=0): """ This is to query the evaluation queue service. The limit parameter is set at 20 by default. Using a larger limit results in fewer calls to the service, but if responses are large enough to be a burden on the service they may be truncated. Args: syn: A Synapse object uri: A URI for evaluation queues (select * from evaluation_12345) limit: How many records should be returned per request offset: At what record offset from the first should iteration start Yields: dict: A generator over some paginated results """ prev_num_results = sys.maxsize while prev_num_results > 0: rest_uri = "/evaluation/submission/query?query=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus( "{} limit {} offset {}".format(uri, limit, offset) ) page = syn.restGET(rest_uri) # results = page['results'] if 'results' in page else page['children'] results = [ {page["headers"][index]: value for index, value in enumerate(row["values"])} for row in page["rows"] ] prev_num_results = len(results) for result in results: offset += 1 yield result
def _change_annotation_acl(annotations, key, annotation_type, is_private=True): """ Helper function to locate the existing annotation Args: annotations: submission status annotations key: key of the annotation annotation_type: stringAnnos, doubleAnnos or longAnnos is_private: whether the annotation is private or not, default to True Returns: Updated annotation key ACL """ if annotations.get(annotation_type) is not None: check = list( filter(lambda x: x.get("key") == key, annotations[annotation_type]) ) if check: check[0]["isPrivate"] = is_private return annotations # TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
[docs]def change_submission_annotation_acl(status, annotations, is_private=False): """ Function to change the acl of a list of known annotation keys on one submission Args: status: syn.getSubmissionStatus() annotations: list of annotation keys to make public is_private: whether the annotation is private or not, default to True Returns: Submission status with new submission annotation ACLs """ submission_annotations = status.annotations for key in annotations: submission_annotations = _change_annotation_acl( submission_annotations, key, "stringAnnos", is_private ) submission_annotations = _change_annotation_acl( submission_annotations, key, "doubleAnnos", is_private ) submission_annotations = _change_annotation_acl( submission_annotations, key, "longAnnos", is_private ) status.annotations = submission_annotations return status
# TODO: Deprecate once fully using submissionviews
[docs]def update_all_submissions_annotation_acl( syn, evaluationid, annotations, status="SCORED", is_private=False ): """ Function to change the acl of a list of known annotation keys on all submissions of a evaluation Args: syn: synapse object evaluationid: evaluation id annotations: list of annotation keys to make public status: ALL, VALIDATED, INVALID is_private: whether the annotation is private or not, default to True """ status = None if status == "ALL" else status bundle = syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluationid, status=status) for _, status in bundle: new_status = change_submission_annotation_acl( status, annotations, is_private=is_private )
[docs]def change_submission_status(syn, submissionid, status="RECEIVED"): """ Function to change a submission status Args: syn: Synapse object submissionid: Id of a submission status: Submission status to change a submission to Returns: Updated submission status """ sub_status = syn.getSubmissionStatus(submissionid) sub_status.status = status sub_status = return sub_status
# TODO: Can possibly deprecate once using submissionview
[docs]def change_all_submission_status( syn, evaluationid, submission_status="SCORED", change_to_status="VALIDATED" ): """ Function to change submission status of all submissions in a queue The defaults is to change submissions from SCORED -> VALIDATED This function can be useful for 'rescoring' submissions Args: syn: Synapse object evaluationid: Id of an Evaluation queue submission_status: Submissions with this status that you want to change. Default is SCORED. change_to_status: Submission status to change a submission to. Default is VALIDATED. """ submission_bundle = syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluationid, status=submission_status) for _, status in submission_bundle: status.status = change_to_status
def _check_date_range(date_str, start_datetime, end_datetime): """ Helper function to check if the date is within range Note: the date and time is in UTC Args: date_str: date string start_datetime: start date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 1:00 end_datetime: end date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 23:59 Returns: boolean """ result = True if start_datetime is not None or end_datetime is not None: date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") if start_datetime is not None: start_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") result = date_obj >= start_obj if end_datetime is not None: end_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") result = date_obj <= end_obj return result def _get_contributors(syn, evaluationid, status, start_datetime, end_datetime): """ Helper function to get contributors from a given evaluation id. Note: the date and time is in UTC Args: syn: Synapse object evaluationid: evaluation id submission_status: Submission status start_datetime: start date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 23:00 end_datetime: end date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 23:59 Returns: Set of contributors' user ids """ bundles = syn.getSubmissionBundles(evaluationid, status=status) contributors = set() for sub, _ in bundles: if _check_date_range(sub.createdOn, start_datetime, end_datetime): principalids = set( contributor["principalId"] for contributor in sub.contributors ) contributors.update(principalids) return contributors
[docs]def get_contributors( syn, evaluationids, status="SCORED", start_datetime=None, end_datetime=None ): """ Function to get contributors from a list of evaluation ids Note: the date and time is in UTC Args: syn: Synapse object evaluationids: a list of evaluation ids status: Submission status. Default = SCORED start_datetime: start date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 1:00 end_datetime: end date time in YYYY-MM-DD H:M format, example: 2019-01-01 23:59 Returns: Set of contributors' user ids """ all_contributors = set() for evaluationid in evaluationids: contributors = _get_contributors( syn, evaluationid, status, start_datetime, end_datetime ) all_contributors = all_contributors.union(contributors) return all_contributors
[docs]def list_evaluations(syn, project): """ List evaluation queues of a Synapse project Args: syn: Synapse object project: Synapse id/entity of project """ evaluations = syn.getEvaluationByContentSource(project) for evaluation in evaluations: "Evaluation- {name}({evalid})".format(, ) )
[docs]def download_submission(syn, submissionid, download_location=None): """ Download submission and return json Args: syn: Synapse object submissionid: Submission id download_location: Location to download submission Returns: dict: submission json results """ sub = syn.getSubmission(submissionid, downloadLocation=download_location) entity = sub["entity"] result = { "docker_repository": sub.get("dockerRepositoryName"), "docker_digest": sub.get("dockerDigest"), "entity_id": entity["id"], "entity_version": entity.get("versionNumber"), "entity_type": entity.get("concreteType"), "evaluation_id": sub["evaluationId"], "file_path": sub["filePath"], } return result
def _get_submitter_name(syn, submitterid): """Get the Synapse team name or the username given a submitterid Args: syn: Synapse object submitterid: submitter id Returns: username or teamname """ try: user = syn.getUserProfile(submitterid) submitter_name = user["userName"] except SynapseHTTPError: team = syn.getTeam(submitterid) submitter_name = team["name"] return submitter_name
[docs]def delete_submission(syn, submissionid): """Deletes a submission Args: syn: Synapse object submissionid: Id of a submission """ sub = syn.getSubmission(submissionid, downloadFile=False) syn.delete(sub)