Source code for

"""Pull and push wiki tools"""
import json
import os
import typing

import synapseclient
from synapseclient import Synapse

[docs]def pull_wiki(syn: Synapse, project: str, workdir: str = "./") -> typing.List[dict]: """Downloads each wikipage's content into a markdown file and stores a configuration file Args: syn: Synapse connection project: synapseclient.Project or its id workdir: Location to download markdown files and wiki_config.json into. Defaults to location of where code is being executed. Returns: Wiki Configuration:: [ { "id": "111", "title": "homepage", "markdown_path": "" }, {...} ] """ projectid = synapseclient.core.utils.id_of(project) wiki_headers = syn.getWikiHeaders(projectid) for wiki_header in wiki_headers: wiki = syn.getWiki(projectid, subpageId=wiki_header["id"]) # Convert all special characters to underscore # This way markdown paths don't have special characters # and json file can be written without encoding clean_title = "".join(letter for letter in wiki["title"] if letter.isalnum()) # Home page title is always blank if clean_title == "": clean_title = "homepage" wiki_header["title"] = clean_title # The wiki id is added to the markdown path because wiki ids are # unique, but wiki titles don't have to be markdown_path = os.path.join(workdir, f"{}-{clean_title}.md") with open(markdown_path, "w") as md_file: md_file.write(wiki["markdown"]) wiki_header["markdown_path"] = f"{}-{clean_title}.md" return wiki_headers
[docs]def read_wiki_config(workdir: str) -> typing.List[dict]: """Read wiki config file from working directory Args: workdir: Working directory Returns: Wiki Configuration:: [ { "id": "111", "title": "title", "parentId": "33333", "markdown_path": "" }, {...} ] """ config_path = os.path.join(workdir, "wiki_config.json") if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise ValueError("wiki_config.json must exist at specified workdir") with open(config_path, "r") as config: wiki_config = json.load(config) return wiki_config
[docs]def validate_config(workdir: str) -> typing.List[dict]: """Validates wiki configuration Args: workdir: Workfing directory with markdown and wiki_config.json Returns: Wiki Configuration:: [ { "id": "111", "title": "title", "parentId": "33333", "markdown_path": "" }, {...} ] Raises: ValueError: `markdown_path` is specified but cannot be located. There are duplicated wiki ids. `id` is not specified and (`markdown_path`/`parentId`/`title` is missing or `parentId` not one of the `id`s.) `id` cannot be the same as `parentId`. """ wiki_config = read_wiki_config(workdir) ids = [ str(wiki_header["id"]) for wiki_header in wiki_config if wiki_header.get("id") is not None ] if len(set(ids)) != len(ids): raise ValueError("Must have unique ids.") # Must have one home page where `parentId` is blank home_page = [wiki_header.get("parentId") is None for wiki_header in wiki_config] if sum(home_page) != 1: raise ValueError("Must only have one config " "where `parentId` is blank") for wiki_header in wiki_config: # Configuration must not be empty markdown_path = wiki_header.get("markdown_path") wikiid = wiki_header.get("id") parentid = wiki_header.get("parentId") title = wiki_header.get("title") # Title must be specified if title is None: raise ValueError("Must have title") title = str(title).strip() # Make id and parentid strings and strip white spaces if values # are specified if wikiid is not None: wikiid = str(wikiid).strip() wiki_header["id"] = wikiid if parentid is not None: parentid = str(parentid).strip() wiki_header["parentId"] = parentid # id and parentid must not be empty strings if wikiid == "" or parentid == "" or title == "": raise ValueError( "`id`, `parentId`, and `title` must not be " "empty strings if specified" ) # Markdown file must exist if specified if markdown_path is not None and not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(workdir, markdown_path) ): raise ValueError(f"{markdown_path} does not exist") # id must not be the same as parentid, but if both aren't specified, # This error shouldn't be raised if wikiid is not None and parentid is not None and wikiid == parentid: raise ValueError("`id` and `parentId` can't be equal.") # If parentid is specified, it has to be in one of the `ids` if parentid is not None and parentid not in ids: raise ValueError("`parentId` must be one of the " "`id`s in the config") return wiki_config
[docs]def push_wiki(syn: Synapse, projectid: str, workdir: str = "./") -> typing.List[dict]: """Pushes Wiki from configuration Args: syn: Synapse connection project: synapseclient.Project or its id workdir: Location to download markdown files and wiki_config.json. Defaults to location of where code is being executed. Returns: Wiki Configuration:: [ { "id": "111", "title": "title", "parentId": "33333", "markdown_path": "" }, {...} ] """ wiki_config = validate_config(workdir) for wiki_header in wiki_config: # no markdown path, nothing to update markdown_path = wiki_header.get("markdown_path") if not wiki_header.get("markdown_path"): print(f"Markdown not specified: {wiki_header['title']}") continue markdown_path = os.path.join(workdir, markdown_path) with open(markdown_path, "r") as md_f: markdown = # Create new wiki page if id isn't specified if wiki_header.get("id") is not None: wiki = syn.getWiki(projectid, subpageId=wiki_header["id"]) # Don't store if the wiki pages are the same if wiki.markdown == markdown: print(f"no updates: {wiki_header['title']}") continue print(f"Wiki updated: {wiki_header['title']}") else: wiki = synapseclient.Wiki( owner=projectid, title=wiki_header["title"], parentWikiId=wiki_header["parentId"], ) print(f"Wiki added: {wiki_header['title']}") wiki.markdown = markdown wiki = # If new wiki page is added, must add to wiki_config.json wiki_header["id"] = wiki["id"] return wiki_config