Feature Branches
What's a Feature Branch?
Developers branch from the default branch (hereafter called “main”). The branch created is a feature branch. The best feature branches are created to make a discrete, well-defined change.
An optimal feature branch:
- Adds one feature or
- Fixes one bug or
- Makes administrative corrections, such as correcting indentation, whitespace, general linting, or adding documentation
- Has a branch name that conveys information about the changes in that branch. A good branch name could include some or all of the following (ideally separated by hyphens or underscores for readability), depending on the team/project:
e.g. ‘bug’, ‘wip’, ‘feature’<branch-name-or-unique-identifier>
e.g. a JIRA ticket ID
- Includes a small number of commits with informative and useful commit messages. Note that you can combine a bunch of ‘working commits’ together into a single, focused commit by performing an interactive rebase before pushing your branch. Rewriting commit history after pushing a branch is not recommended.
A sub-optimal feature branch:
- Adds multiple features or
- Fixes lots of bugs or
- Mixes up adding features, fixing bugs, and making administrative corrections.
- Lacks a meaningful name that helps understand what changes it contains
- Includes many commits with messages that aren’t meaningful or helpful
That is, don't do this: