Get gene GC content of `gene` from data frame (`df`) containing gene IDs in a column labeled the value of `column_id`. `df` must have a column labeled sequence where the sequence info for exons/or transcripts are and feature start and stop coordinates in columns labled the value of `start` and `stop`. This will return a vector of `gene`, length, and GC content as a percentage.
gtf_stats(i, data, genome)
A character of a gene id.
a dataframe of exons transcrtipts or genes, imported from a GTF file. one line per-feature, data$V1 corresponds to the featur chormosome, data$V4 to start coordinate, data$V5 to stop coordinate, and data$V7 to the sequence strand.
a list of DNAStringSet objects named by their contig (chromosome) name.