
  • Update synapser dependency to support synapser 2.1.1.
  • Now support R4.4.1.
  • Updated reference documents and code examples for modified functions.
  • Improved performance for data upload and download.

Minor behavior changes:

  • Using version notation, such as syn123.1, is now supported in syncFromSynapse.
  • New parameters have been added to allow more features:
    • Optional boolean parameters merge_existing_annotations and associate_activity_to_new_version have been added to syncToSynapse. Both are used to give more fine tuned control when working with this interface.
    • Two optional parameters, manifest and downloadFile, have been added to syncFromSynapse, enabling manifest file creation and file download respectively.
    • The includeTypes has been added to walk function to specify entity types when traversing the hierarchy of files and folders stored under a synapse Id.
    • changeFileMetaData now allows changing file name.
    • Parameters in copyFileHandles has been renamed.

For more changes, please view the Changelog on the synapser documentation and Release Notes on the synapseutils documentation.