Given a list of fileHandle Objects, copy the fileHandles
copyFileHandles(fileHandles, associateObjectTypes, associateObjectIds, newContentTypes=NULL, newFileNames=NULL)
List of fileHandle Ids or Objects
List of associated object types: FileEntity, TableEntity, WikiAttachment, UserProfileAttachment, MessageAttachment, TeamAttachment, SubmissionAttachment, VerificationSubmission (Must be the same length as fileHandles).
List of associated object Ids: If copying a file, the objectId is the synapse id, and if copying a wiki attachment, the object id is the wiki subpage id. (Must be the same length as fileHandles).
List of content types. Set each item to a new content type for each file handle, or leave the item as NULL to keep the original content type. Default NULL, which keeps all original content types.
List of filenames. Set each item to a new filename for each file handle, or leave the item as NULL to keep the original name. Default NULL, which keeps all original file names.
List of batch filehandle copy results, can include failureCodes: UNAUTHORIZED and NOT_FOUND