Copies wikis and updates internal links.
copyWiki(entity, destinationId, entitySubPageId=NA, destinationSubPageId=NA, updateLinks=TRUE, updateSynIds=TRUE, entityMap=NA)
A synapse ID of an entity whose wiki you want to copy
Synapse ID of a folder/project that the wiki wants to be copied to
Can specify subPageId and copy all of its subwikis
Defaults to NA, which copies the entire wiki
subPageId can be found:!Synapse:syn123/wiki/1234
In this case, 1234 is the subPageId.
Can specify destination subPageId to copy wikis to
Defaults to NA.
Update all the internal links. (e.g. syn1234/wiki/34345 becomes syn3345/wiki/49508)
Defaults to TRUE.
Update all the synapse ID's referenced in the wikis. (e.g. syn1234 becomes syn2345)
Defaults to TRUE but needs an entityMap.
An entity map 'oldSynId','newSynId' to update the synapse IDs referenced in the wiki
Defaults to NA
A list of Objects with three fields: id, title and parentId.
if (FALSE) {
copyWiki("syn123", "syn456")