All functions |
Add unanswered questions within a section. |
Append clinical multiplier to submissions |
Append experiment numbers to step name |
Calculate denominator |
Calculate scores rowwise |
Calculate the score for a section |
Score an entire submission |
Change logical responses |
Combine multiple routes into one comma-separated response |
Create table for a section |
Create table from JSON file |
Create a tibble from the values within section |
Calculate geometric mean of non-zero scores |
Get submission sections |
Get list of submissions with ids |
Get the submissions based on status |
Lookup table of section and question names |
Append user-friendly section and variable names |
Partial beta weights of certain variables |
Process submissions |
Pull latest review table Pull latest review table from Synapse and calculate weighted scores based on the reviewers' scores, clinical/preclinical modifiers, partial beta weights, species, etc. |
Run the Shiny Application |
Rename response "both" to "prophylactic, symptomatic" in therapeutic approach |